- Prystauka., Y., & Altmann., G. T. M. (2019, September). Traveling back in time: does switching the focus to the initial state of the changed object come at a cost? Poster presented at the Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing Conference, Moscow, Russia.
- Prystauka., Y., & Altmann., G. T. M. (2019, August). Traveling back in time: does switching the focus to the initial state of the changed object come at a cost? Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland.
- Rossi, E., Krass, K., Joergensen, G. H., Zirnstein, M., & Altmann, G. T. M. (2019, June) The Influence of Cognitive Control and Bilingual Experience on Event Processing. Talk presented at the International Symposium of Bilingualism, Edmonton, Canada.
- Shubert, K., Lindsay, M., Purushotham, S, Yearling, E. & Altmann, G. T. M. (2019, April) Keeping track of change: The developing ability to represent events in terms object states. Poster presented at the tenth annual University of Connecticut Language Fest, Storrs, CT.
- Benson, L., Lattanzi, M., Joergensen, G. H. & Rothermich, K. (2019, April) Individual differences in sarcasm perception. Poster presented at the tenth annual University of Connecticut Language Fest, Storrs, CT.
- Rothermich, K., Kim, H., Fammartino, M., & Joergensen, G. H. (2018, August). Individual differences in sarcasm perception: Behavioral and eye-tracking evidence. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Québec City, Canada.
- Turick, K., Prystauka., Y., Ekves., Z. & Altmann., G. T. M. (2018, April). The Effect of Idiomatic Language in the Processing of Events. Poster presented at the ninth annual University of Connecticut Language Fest, Storrs, CT.
- Lajoie, M., Citrin, K., Kyc, L., Pietruszewski, T., Krass, K., Joergensen, G., Zeidan, C., Zirnstein, M., Altmann, G. T. M., & Rossi, E. (2018, April) How individual difference measures inform event processing in monolingual and early and late bilingual speakers. Poster presented at the ninth annual University of Connecticut Language Fest, Storrs, CT.
- Ekves, Z., Paz-Alonso, P.M., Hindy, N.C., Solomon, S., Altmann, G.T.M. (2018, March). Instantiating new objects into the discourse: the role of hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience SocietyAnnual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- Prystauka., Y., Ekves., Z. & Altmann., G. T. M. (2018, March). Comprehending events on the fly: Inhibition and selection during sentence processing. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- Krass, K., Joergensen, G., Zeidan, C., Zirnstein, M., Altmann, G., & Rossi, E. (2018, March) How individual difference measures inform event processing in monolingual and early and late bilingual speakers. Poster presented at the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Davis, CA.
- Prystauka., Y., Ekves., Z. & Altmann., G. T. M. (2018, March). Comprehending events on the fly: Inhibition and selection during sentence processing. Talk presented at the 31st Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Davis, CA. (Link to Youtube Video)
- Ekves, Z., Paz-Alonso, P.M., Hindy, N.C., Solomon, S., Altmann, G.T.M. (2017, November). Functional connectivity between cognitive control and episodic memory systems in event comprehension. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Baltimore, MD.
- Krass, K. & Altmann, G.T.M. (2017, October). Investigating how anticipation of object states drives event comprehension. Poster presented at the Event Representations in Brain, Language, and Development Workshop, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Ekves, Z., Paz-Alonso, P.M., Hindy, N.C., Solomon, S., Altmann, G.T.M. (2017, October). Functional connectivity underlying the processing of object-state change. Poster presented at Event Representations in Brain, Language, and Development Workshop, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Dumitru, M. L., & Joergensen, G. H (2017, August). Groundless altruism: Why it makes sense to risk one’s life for other people’s money. Talk given at the 26th Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision making Conference, Haifa, Israel.
- Tabor, W., Ekves, Z., Smith, G., Mao, Y., Dankowicz, H., (2017). The Blessing and the Curse of Fraught Regions in a Group Coordination Game. Poster presented at the Network Science Society, Indianapolis, IN.
- Citrin, K., Lajoie, M., Pietruszewski, T. Kyc, L., Hindy, N., Krass, K., Joergensen, G. H. & Altmann, G. T. M. (2017, April) Chop vs. weigh: Using MVPA to explore object states. Poster presented at the eighth annual University of Connecticut Language Fest, Storrs, CT. *Winner of the outstanding undergraduate poster award*
- Fammartino, M. Joergensen, G. H., Altmann, G. T. M. & Rothermich, K.(2017, April) “No, No One Had Fun” – Individual Differences in Sarcasm Perception. Poster presented at the eighth annual University of Connecticut Language Fest, Storrs, CT. *Winner of the outstanding undergraduate poster award*
- Prystauka, Y., Turick, K., Ekves, Z. & Altmann., G. T. M. (2017, April) Dimensions of change: Using machine learning techniques to predict neural activation from behavioral ratings. Poster presented at the eighth annual University of Connecticut Language Fest, Storrs, CT.
- Turick, K., Prystauka, Y., Ekves, Z. & Altmann., G. T. M. (2017, April) The Effect of Idiomatic Language in the Processing of Events. Poster presented at the eighth annual University of Connecticut Language Fest, Storrs, CT. *Winner of the outstanding undergraduate poster award*
- Krass., K., & Altmann., G. T. M. (2017, March) Affordances and end states: How verb type and tense affect event comprehension. Talk presented at the 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Boston, MA. (Link to Youtube Video)
Subject to copyright, many of these papers may be viewed here
- Staudte, M., & Altmann, G.T.M. (2016). Recalling what was where when seeing nothing there. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. In press. DOI 10.3758/s13423-016-1104-8
- Dumitru, M. L., & Joergensen, G. H. (2016). Gestalt reasoning with conjunctions and disjunctions. PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0151774
- Solomon, S. H., Hindy, N. C., Altmann, G. T., & Thompson-Schill, S. L. (2015). Competition between mutually exclusive object states in event comprehension. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 27(12), 2324-2338.
- Hindy, N. C., Solomon, S. H., Altmann, G. T., & Thompson-Schill, S. L. (2015). A cortical network for the encoding of object change. Cerebral Cortex, 25(4), 884-894.
- Dumitru, M. L., & Joergensen, G. H. (2015). Effects of word-evoked object size on numerosity estimations. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:876. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00876.
- Dumitru, M. L., & Joergensen, G. H. (2015). Similarity judgments of same-category object representations: Effects of physical size, manipulability, and word frequency. Visual Cognition. DOI: 10.1080/13506285.2015.1093242
- Kukona, A., Altmann, G.T.M., & Kamide, Y. (2014). Knowing what, where, and when: Event comprehension in language processing. Cognition, 131, 25-31.
- Trenkij, D., Mirkovic, J., & Altmann, G.T.M. (2013). Real-time grammar processing by native and non-native speakers: Constructions unique to the second language. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. doi:10.1017/S1366728913000321.
- Dumitru, M.L., Joergensen, G.H., Cruickshank, A.G., & Altmann, G.T.M. (2013). Language-guided visual processing affects reasoning: The role of referential and spatial anchoring. Consciousness and Cognition, 22 (2), 562-571.
- Hindy, N.C., Altmann, G.T.M., Kalenik, E., & Thompson-Schill, S.L. (2012). The effect of object state-changes on event processing: Do objects compete with themselves? Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (17), 5795-5803.
- Salverda, A.P. & Altmann, G.T.M. (2011). Attentional capture of objects referred to by spoken language. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 37, 1122-1133.
- Huettig, F., & Altmann, G.T.M. (2011). Looking at anything that is green when hearing ‘frog’ – How object surface colour and stored object colour knowledge influence language-mediated overt attention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64(1), 122–145.
- Altmann, G.T.M. (2011). Language can mediate eye movement control within 100 milliseconds, regardless of whether there is anything to move the eyes to. Acta Psychologica, 137, 190-200.
- Weighall, A. & Altmann, G.T.M. (2011). The role of working memory and contextual constraints in children’s processing of relative clauses. Journal of Child Language. 38, 579-605.
- Altmann, G.T.M. (2010). Why emergentist accounts of cognition are more theoretically constraining than structured probability accounts. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 340.
- Richardson, D.C., Altmann, G.T.M., Spivey, M. J., & Hoover, M.A. (2009). Much ado about eye movements to nothing. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13, 235-236.
- Altmann, G.T.M. and Mirkovic, J. (2009). Incrementality and prediction in human sentence processing. Cognitive Science, 33, 583-609.
- Altmann, G.T.M. and Kamide, Y. (2009). Discourse-mediation of the mapping between language and the visual world: eye-movements and mental representation. Cognition, 111, 55-71.
- Altmann, G.T.M. and Kamide, Y. (2007). The real-time mediation of visual attention by language and world knowledge: Linking anticipatory (and other) eye movements to linguistic processing. Journal of Memory and Language, 57, 502-518.
- Huettig, F., & Altmann, G.T.M. (2007). Visual-shape competition and the control of eye fixation during the processing of unambiguous and ambiguous words. Visual Cognition, 15(8), 985-1018.
- Huettig, F., Quinlan, P., McDonald, S., & Altmann, G.T.M. (2006). Models of high-dimensional semantic space predict language-mediated eye movements in the visual world. Acta Psychologica, 121, 65-80.
- Huettig, F., & Altmann, G.T.M. (2005). Word meaning and the control of eye fixation: Semantic competitor effects and the visual world paradigm. Cognition, 96(1), 23–32.
- Altmann, G.T.M. (2004) Language-mediated eye movements in the absence of a visual world: The ‘blank screen paradigm’. Cognition. 93, 79–87.
- Nation, K., Marshall, C., & Altmann, G.T.M. (2003) Investigating individual differences in children’s real-time sentence comprehension using language-mediated eye movements. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.86, 314-329.
- Kamide, Y., Altmann, G.T.M., & Haywood, S. (2003). The time-course of prediction in incremental sentence processing: Evidence from anticipatory eye-movements. Journal of Memory and Language. 49, 133–159.
- Kamide, Y., Scheepers, C., & Altmann, G.T.M. (2003) Integration of syntactic and semantic information in predictive processing: A cross-linguistic study in German and English. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 32(1), 37–55.
- Altmann, G.T.M. (2002). Learning and development in neural networks: the importance of prior experience. Cognition, 85(2), 43-50.
- Tunney, R.J. and Altmann, G.T.M. (2001) Two modes of transfer in Artificial Grammar learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 27(3), 614–639.
- Altmann, G.T.M. (2001) The mechanics of language: Psycholinguistics in review. British Journal of Psychology. 92, 129–170.
- Altmann, G.T.M., and Kamide, Y. (1999) Incremental interpretation at verbs: Restricting the domain of subsequent reference. Cognition, 73(3), 247–264.
- Tunney, R.J. and Altmann, G.T.M. (1999) The transfer effect in artificial grammar learning: Re-appraising the evidence on the transfer of sequential dependencies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 25(5), 1322-1333.
- Altmann, G.T.M. (1999). Thematic role assignment in context. Journal of Memory and Language, 41, 124–145.
- Dienes, Z., Altmann, G.T.M., & Gao, S-J. (1999). Mapping across domains without feedback: A neural network model of transfer of implicit knowledge. Cognitive Science. 23(1), 53-82.
- Altmann, G.T.M., and Dienes, Z. (1999). Rule learning by seven-month-old infants and neural networks. Science. 284, 875.
- Altmann, G.T.M., van Nice, K., Garnham, A., & Henstra, J.A. (1998). Late closure in context. Journal of Memory and Language. 38(4), 459-484.
- Dienes, Z., Altmann, G.T.M., Gao, S-J., & Goode, A. (1995). The transfer of implicit knowledge across domains. Language and Cognitive Processes, 10(3/4), 363-367.
- Altmann, G.T.M., Dienes, Z., & Goode, A. (1995). On the modality-independence of implicitly learned grammatical knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21(4), 899-912.
- Dienes, Z., Altmann, G.T.M., Kwan, L., & Goode, A (1995).. Unconscious knowledge of artificial grammars is applied strategically. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21(5), 1322-1338.
- Altmann, G.T.M., Garnham, A., & Henstra, J.A. (1994). Effects of syntax in human sentence parsing: Evidence against a structure-based proposal mechanism. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 20(1), 209-216.
- Altmann, G.T.M., Garnham, A., & Dennis, Y. (1992). Avoiding the garden path: Eye movements in context. Journal of Memory and Language, 31, 685-712.
- Altmann, G.T.M. (1988). Ambiguity, parsing strategies, and computational models. Language and Cognitive Processes, 3(2), 73-97.
- Altmann, G.T.M. & Steedman, M.J. (1988). Interaction with context during human sentence processing. Cognition, 30, 191-238.
- Bard, E.G., Shillcock, R.C., & Altmann, G.T.M. (1988). The recognition of words after their acoustic offsets in spontaneous speech: effects of subsequent context. Perception and Psychophysics. 44(5), 395-408.